If you encounter any issues with your order, such as receiving a defective product, an incorrect item, missing items, or non-delivery of your order, you have the option to request a refund.
To initiate a refund request, follow these simple steps:
Go to My Account.
Access your order history and locate your order.
Find the item(s) you want a refund for, and click on Ask for a Refund.
If applicable, provide additional information and images.
Once you submit your refund request, it will be reviewed, and one of our agents will get in touch with you to communicate the decision. If your refund request gets approved, you will receive a Refund Code, which you can use for your future purchases.
To check the status of your refund request, go to 'My Refund Requests' under My Account. The request will either be approved, rejected, or in processing/on hold, indicating that a decision is yet to be made.
Refund requests for product-related issues are handled through a ticketing system and are addressed in the order they are received. Rest assured that we aim to process refund requests within 24-48 hours of submission.
*During the warmer months, it's essential to be aware that certain products like edibles and concentrates may melt or alter in consistency during transportation. To avoid potential issues, we recommend monitoring your tracking information closely and retrieving your order as soon as possible upon delivery. If any items are affected, storing them in the fridge to cool down is advisable. Rest assured, all products remain safe to consume.